Saturday, October 16, 2010

17 October. Smile with anything nothing worth bee! =]

Maybe i'm wrong or not. I still happy with myself.
Said me HYPOCRITE?? ! Oops. =O
Said me bitch , two faced??
Well, you don't know me at all. You so friendly??
Ohhh please ;) only your close friend of cause said you friendly laa. =]
Maybe i'm bitch. Yes! I am. =]
Everyone is bitch baa rite??
Like your enemy said you bitch also your one of the bitch.
Agree?? ^^
Hahas. I'm immature?? Maybe?? =O
A friendly person can be friends with anyone.
Yeah, can make friend. But i didn't tell them all my secret!
Just friend. So that people though your a good person. =]
Yes, i make friend with other too easily.
I'm talkative, playful . <3
This is the first time people said me Immature, two face bla bla bla.
My friends whom know me , they said i'm good.
I helped people alot. But they don't appricate anything for me.
Like my [ Bestfriend ] =O betrayed me this year.
I help her alot, i send her back, anything is FREE!
So yeah, in the end i'm the fool. For trusting her .
In that time she betray me, i felt so sad and i don't believe on truefriend and bestfriend. Wanna know why???
Cause i been hurt so deep cause of her, if anyone said bestfriend.
I was like [ O.o yeah. I know. ]
Laughing * smiling * cause its funny?? =]
If you mean like truefriend like forever truefriend maa??
If you mean like bestfriend like can last forever ma??
No , rite?? ^^ i mean in every mint or hours suddenly you can find a new friend that very close to you in the next door.
Yeah, like me, i'm form 5 now. I know not long i can't see my classmate cause i know times never stop.
Working, studying. They got their own things to do that time.
I be on my way too. ;) so yea, we meet a new friend that close to you that time while we working. =]
Like we said you're my bestfriend, my truefriend.
We never know IF they meet a new one.
Should they call you my bestfriend again??
Should they call you my truefriend anymore??
No right?? So i rather said CLOSE FRIEND baa.
Cause words can hurt us .
I don't want to hurt my old closefriend if i use the word bestfriend and truefriend can't last forever.
Cause i know Someday i will meet a new one. =]
Life's gones on! Don't look backward.
And yeah, think about what i had just said.
I hope you guys viewing my blog can unterstand what i mean yaa. ;)
I not angry on you guys. People said i'm immature??
Hahahaha. See loo. ;)
Just smile, PEACE! <3

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