Thursday, October 28, 2010

''P'' you better don't do like this lee. =\

Aiti. You treated friends like this meh ''P''??
Don't because you got friend at the back there then said about him like this ma.
We all are one geng d. How can you do that to him??
He also need face lee. You don't know what is
What he done wrong?? You tell me laa.
I know all the stroy ah. I can make you more no faced infront of all our friends. ;)
He is not haolian or whatever you think.
You just hate him cause he don't love you and reject you, right??
Cause before you think that you and him ever on. =O
But, why you need to do until like that ?? Still nevermind you say's about him.
You still said my name out ! I did what wrong worr?? @@
Say i'm his girlfriend?? Apa laa?? Jealoused alot?? Omg !
Who ask you to start make this problem.
You must know, he got feeling maa. Everytime you guys at the back there BOOO him for what??
Do anything that can hurt him alot.
Girl girl you know who you are. =]
You must know people got feeling. He keep his promise not to tell anyone.
But you?? ! Aiti. Not that i want said you laa. I explained niaa. Cause before i'm your good friend.
Now you have them, you throwed me away . Now you so haolian kii cause you got them Guys supported you right??
Sigh. I'm really sad what you did to me.
Think what you done girl. Now you so haolian at the back there sit like boss loo.
Cause you only GIRL the back there can be king. @.@
Holly Shit ! =O

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