Saturday, October 16, 2010

Freaking heart very sad. D= oct 16.

Sad chinn.
1st time quarrel using status, 1st time quarrel sohai. =\
1st time i did that too. When did change become like this??
I want my old me. FUCK!
Sorry for making you like this too sis.
This is the last word i saying you sistaa. <3
When we quarrel like hell just now, my tears wanna out.
So sad too. But i stand it. Very sad now. Sigh!*
I don't mean to quarrel with you like that.
I didn't said about you in that status. I was saying is my enemy. Ting ting.*
But then, saw you post about backstab. And that time i very moody.
So yeah, i stupid go continue sayin it. Actually is not YOU!
So yeah, misunterstand.
Sorry. Shit making no mood.

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