Friday, October 22, 2010

GOD! Please, give my dad a luck. =\ ♥

I want my dad use to be as before.
But now, seeing him so stress let me feel sad.
Sigh. Why god need to do that to him??
I know he done wrong before. But can't you see??
My dad already old le. I don't want my dad so stress cause working hard for us eat, stay.
All is money now a days. Dad getting old.
Damn !!! Typing words now cry jorh me. D=
And some of his friend, PLEASE laa !
Money money MONEY. You guys cannot see my dad background haaa??
Cb! You know what?? ! You guys just know my dad got money,
then you need to use him and use his name to scared others ?
SHIT la you guys! You think about yourself.
You need to think my dad still got US ahh.
Need to take care cause we still small.
I promise to myself. While my dad can't work.
I'm the one who give them money.
I'm not a fool give you people play!
I will take my dad step. Not my MOM !!!
Me!!! I will take care them. What the temper people said so.
Yes, they say is true! But you guys can't fool his DAUGHTER !
And some of his brother. You eat my dad MONEY!!! oOo

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